Salon Presenter Application

Are you a resident of Second Life? Are you passionate about a particular topic? Would you like to present a salon? Here’s what you need to know before submitting your application:

  • Your salon should be 45 minutes in length, to be followed by 15 minutes of audience questions and answers.
  • By longstanding tradition your salon title will be one word. Please choose a word that succinctly sums up your topic. A graphic will be created based on this word, which will be used to promote your salon.
  • We encourage the use of slide shows or other props to illustrate your talk. If you’re able, dress in theme with your topic.
  • Salons are presented in text in Second Life local chat. The full text will then be permanently archived at the Aether Salon website. We suggest you write out your salon text in advance. This will enhance your eloquence, keep you on track, and eliminates ‘hurry-up’ typos. You’ll still be able to ad-lib (and encouraged to!), but having a prepared text will allow you to be a relaxed, audience-engaged speaker.
  • Traditionally, Salon presenters offer a ‘craft gift’ to the audience at the end of the lecture. This can be an object related to your salon, additional resource/reading lists, perhaps a framed piece of relevant art. If you need assistance with creating your craft, mention that on your application.
  • Please indicate what month you’d like to present. If possible we will accommodate , but be prepared to be offered other available slots.
  • Your application will be reviewed as soon as possible. You will be contacted after we’ve had time to review it.